TV Comedy Course
Hello Writers! I am teaching WRITING THE PILOT again, starting Aug 4, 2024.
It's a FIVE WEEK webinar, Sundays at 2pm PST. Class is 90 minutes plus Q and A. If you can’t make it live, there’s a link to watch later.
I have been a writer of 6 Emmy-winning comedies from The Simpsons to the Office. For thirty seasons, I have been collecting the secrets of TV writing, and in this class I share everything I've learned about STORY TELLING, DIALOG WRITING and PUNCH UP.
But this class has become MUCH MORE than a series of lectures! Students
are encouraged to take THE PLEDGE in Class One: "I will finish a draft of my script!" Over the following weeks, I lead you through a 6-part writing process, the same one I developed as a writer and show-runner, starting with ELEVATOR PITCH and culminating in PUNCHUP.
Along the way I bring you on screen to discuss your work and we analyze scenes together, while giving you weekly tasks and deadlines to ensure you get your draft finished at the highest standard of quality.
One of the BEST things about this class is the WRITING COMMUNITY that emerges on facebook every time I teach. These instant online artist communes have become an astonishing source of creative feedback and support, the key to our happiness and success as wrters!
I know similar classes with far less credentialed teachers typically charge $1500-$2000 dollars, but I refuse to ask for more than $200, despite the whining of my managers. I remember being an aspiring writer like you. If you can’t afford the tuition just send me an email and I'll be honored to give you a scholarship.
If you love comedy, if you have a show you want to write, or if you just want to connect with other artist who share your passion for this joyful craft, JUMP IN!
I cannot count the number of emails I've gotten from writers who say “This class changed my life.” Hoping to do the same for you! -- Brent Forrester